CallMeBot can now receive WhatsApp messages from you, and react accordingly based on the rules that you defined.---- THIS IS CURRENTLY IN DEVELOPMENT ----Come back later or follow me on Twitter to get fresh news. Setup:You need to get the apikey form the bot before using the API: 1. Add the phone number +34 684[...]
Yes! Now Home Assistant can send WhatsApp Text Messages thanks to the CallMeBot Free API. You just need HA to execute a WGET or CURL command to send WhatsApp Messages. Find below the step-by-step instructions to implement it. Setup:You need to get the apikey form the bot before using the API: 1. Add the phone[...]
Finally, the ioBroker can make a Telegram phone calls (with Voice) thanks to the CallMeBot API. You need ioBroker.telegram adapter with version >= 1.5.0 for that.Everything is you need is to create a blockly or script as following:Pre-requisitesYou need to authorize CallMeBot to call and text you. Click here to Authenticate. BlocklyJust place the block "call via Telegram"[...]
Yes! Now OpenHab can make a Telegram phone calls (with Voice) thanks to the CallMeBot API. You just need OpenHab to execute the following command to get a Telegram Voice call and "read" your message with different voices: is openHAB calling to you to inform you about something that is happening at your house&lang=en-GB-Standard-BParameters:user is[...]
Yes! Now HomeAssistant can make a Telegram phone call (with Voice) thanks to the CallMeBot API. You just need HA to execute a WGET or CURL command to get a Telegram Voice call and "read" your message.URL to use: is Home Assistant calling to you to inform you about something that is happening at your[...]
The CallMeBot API is very easy to use. You just need to GET the following URL using any command-line web browser such as wget or curl (more…)