Yes! Now there is an easier way to send Telegram Text Messages from Home Assistant without all this heavy process of creating the Bot, getting the ChatID, etc. etc. You can directly create a simple "REST Notify Service" using the CallMeBot API.Creating the HA REST Notify service:0) You need to authorize CallMeBot to contact you using this[...]
Yes! Now Home Assistant can easily send notifications through Facebook Messenger. You can use the official Facebook Integration (that requires a pretty complex setup) or use this easy-to-use API to send notifications, images or even commands through Messenger.Why to use Messenger instead of WhatsApp or Telegram? Speed, Images and Commands (you can send commands from Messenger[...]
Yes! Now HomeAssistant can make a Telegram phone call (with Voice) thanks to the CallMeBot API. You just need HA to execute a WGET or CURL command to get a Telegram Voice call and "read" your message.URL to use: is Home Assistant calling to you to inform you about something that is happening at your[...]
Yes! Now Home Assistant can send WhatsApp Text Messages thanks to the CallMeBot Free API. You just need HA to execute a WGET or CURL command to send WhatsApp Messages. Find below the step-by-step instructions to implement it. Setup:You need to get the apikey form the bot before using the API: 1. Add the phone[...]
Yes! Now Home Assistant can send WhatsApp Text Messages thanks to the CallMeBot Free API. You just need HA to execute a WGET or CURL command to send WhatsApp Messages. Find below the step-by-step instructions to implement it. Setup:You need to get the apikey form the bot before using the API: 1. Add the phone[...]
Finally, the ioBroker can make a Telegram phone calls (with Voice) thanks to the CallMeBot API. You need ioBroker.telegram adapter with version >= 1.5.0 for that.Everything is you need is to create a blockly or script as following:Pre-requisitesYou need to authorize CallMeBot to call and text you. Click here to Authenticate. BlocklyJust place the block "call via Telegram"[...]
Yes! Now HomeAssistant can make a Telegram phone call (with Voice) thanks to the CallMeBot API. You just need HA to execute a WGET or CURL command to get a Telegram Voice call and "read" your message.URL to use: is Home Assistant calling to you to inform you about something that is happening at your[...]