Complete the form to test the API WhatsApp Phone number: ApiKey: Text Message to Send: Complete the Form URL to use:
Introduction English (United States) English (United States) German Spanish (Spain) This is the introduction header Setup:List the instructions here.1) Open the door2) Look arround3) Close the doorScreenshot: 5. Enjoy Content of the post is here.Several lines are included in this post.This is one LineSecond line without <br>Etcetera
First of all, I would like to thank WifiSafe for providing a Vera Controller to test the CallMeBot API integration in this great device.The integration is pretty simple through a LUA Script. Just follow these step by step instructions to receive Telegram Phone Calls from the Vera's Scenes. The bot will make the Telegram Phone[...]
Finally, the ioBroker can make a Telegram phone calls (with Voice) thanks to the CallMeBot API. You need ioBroker.telegram adapter with version >= 1.5.0 for that.Everything is you need is to create a blockly or script as following:Pre-requisitesYou need to authorize CallMeBot to call and text you. Click here to Authenticate. BlocklyJust place the block "call via Telegram"[...]
Yes! Now OpenHab can make a Telegram phone calls (with Voice) thanks to the CallMeBot API. You just need OpenHab to execute the following command to get a Telegram Voice call and "read" your message with different voices: is openHAB calling to you to inform you about something that is happening at your house&lang=en-GB-Standard-BParameters:user is[...]
Complete the form to test the API Telephone Number or Telegram Username Message to Speak: Language and Voice: Test here the voices Arabic (FEMALE) Arabic (MALE) Arabic (MALE2) Czech (Czech Republic) (FEMALE) Danish (Denmark) (FEMALE) Dutch (Netherlands) (FEMALE) Dutch (Netherlands) (MALE) Dutch (Netherlands) (MALE2) Dutch (Netherlands) (FEMALE2) Dutch (Netherlands) (FEMALE3) English (Australia) (FEMALE) English (Australia)[...]